Congratulate your MP

Palaces of Westminster from across the Thames. Sunset/ sunrise view.

Send your new or returning MP a card

The first few months for a new MP can be challenging as they get established. Whether your MP is new or returning to the role, we are inviting all churches to let your MP know that you care, you are praying for them and you would like to support them as they seek to serve the local community. Even if they aren’t the candidate you voted for, will you show that your church cares? 

Here are some suggestions for how you could do it:

  1. Send them a card 
    • What kind of card? 
      • A home-made card? Your Sunday school or youth group might like to create one. What could they write on the front? Congratulations… Welcome… We are praying for you… Would they include a picture of the church building? The MP? Big Ben? The people of the church? 
      • A shop-bought card? What about a card with a picture on the front that represents a landmark in the constituency? 
      • Or download and print our template cards here. 
    • What message would you write inside the card? (See below for some example messages.)
      • Congratulate them on their successful election and wish them success in their role.  
      • Let your MP know that your congregation will be praying for them. (Make sure you do!) 
      • Ask them if there is anything you can do to support them. 
  2. Who will sign the card?
    • Your church’s leadership might wish to sign it first.  
    • If the card is big enough, you could ask everyone in your congregation to sign it. 
    • Don’t forget to include children and young people. 
    • Please be sensitive to the likely diversity in how your congregation voted in the General Election: we hope that most or all people in your congregation would be comfortable signing the card, even if they didn’t vote for the person. 
  3. Invite them to a service/meeting: 
    • Could you invite your MP to participate in a Sunday service, or to a mid-week group? Find more information on inviting your MP to church here.  
    • Remember the aim of all this is relationship. Getting to know your MP rather than grilling them about policy or put forward your agenda! You may want to think about interviewing your MP, if you do check out these interview questions: here 
    • Remember to ask your MP how they would like you to pray for them or how you can support them as they seek to serve the local community.
  4. You can write to your MPs using the contact details found in their parliamentary information. This can be found by looking up their name at 

Example inserts for a card to your new/returning MP 

  • New MP
  • Returning MP

Dear [name] MP,  

Congratulations on being elected as MP for [constituency]! 

We wanted to let you know that we at [church name] will be praying for you as you serve our constituency and country in Westminster. We understand the transition to life as an MP can be challenging and overwhelming, so please know that we are here for you if there is anything we can do to support you. 

[OPTIONAL: We would like to invite you to visit our church service, where we can get to know you a bit better by asking why you stood for election and your hopes for your time as MP. We would also like to hear what the church can be doing to help you in this new role.] 

With our prayers and best wishes, 

[church signatures] 

[an email address and phone number so they can get in touch with you.] 

Dear [name] MP,  

Congratulations on being re-elected as MP for [constituency]! 

Thank you for the time and energy you have given to working in Parliament to represent [constituency]. As you start this new Parliament, we wanted to write to you to let you know that we at [church name] will be praying for you as you return to Westminster. Please let us know how our church can support you in your work.  

[OPTIONAL: We would like to invite you to visit our church service, where we can get to know you more and ask how our church can help you in your continuing role.] 

With our prayers and warm wishes, 

[church signatures] 

[an email address and phone number so they can get in touch with you.] 

Next Steps

Sign up to receive updates from our Constituency Action Network. We’ll be holding webinars on 29 August (7.30pm) and 4 September (12:30pm) to help churches that wish to build a meaningful relationship with their MP. 


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